January and February are those months when we have the chance to slow down, turn inward, and pause long enough to get a glimpse of our life as it is today. Instead of making a list of goals right now, how about notice an area you’d like to make a micro-shift in. A micro shift is a tiny little nudge in the direction you want to go. It might be turning off all screens an hour or more before bed each night to sleep better. Or maybe it is drinking a glass of water first thing each morning. Once you notice that little shift has become a routine, you will be on your way to creating a habit. Habits are just “who you are”. You don’t need to “try” to do them anymore, you just do them. When we try to make massive changes all at once, we start out strong but usually find ourselves right back where we started about two weeks later. But getting good at little things slowly over time, lead to bigger shifts in who you are and how you live. Try a micro-shift this week. Make it small enough you will actually do it. Then keep adding as time goes on.
The Shine newsletter this month talks about Lightening Your Load, which is all about letting go of those things that are bogging you down. It’s the overflowing drawers in your house or office, the schedule that keeps you running from morning til night, or the poor nutrition habits that drive you to find a spot for a quick afternoon nap. Check out the newsletter to read how a client of mine shifted so much of his life to become a life he loved.
Find me on Instagram sharing life! @amyshonka.

Beautiful. Calm. HeartWork.
Join me for my monthly yoga classes in the studio.
CLASSES ARE HELD AT HEARTWORK STUDIO, 101 west 5th street, Northfield, MN:
Monthly Friday morning yoga dates for this Fall and Early Winter.
Pre-registration required.
March 7th
March 21st
Looking for weekly live, on-line yoga class?
Weekly live, online yoga classes each Monday morning from 6:30-7:15am for members of HeartWork's online membership.
for just $8.25 PER MONTH (on the annual plan) total you get these weekly live, online Monday morning classes plus hundreds of pre-recorded classes inside the member portal.
All this for just one monthly payment of $12, or $8.25 on the annual plan.
Note: the online membership does not include the in-studio, in-person classes held at HeartWork.
Have you tried a hundred times to get stronger, be healthier, and change your self talk without getting lasting results?
You can change that once and for all right now.
LifeRevamp meets you where you are and delivers the shifts you are looking for…
get strong.
feel great in your clothes.
and do it all from your home before the rest of the day takes your time, with the guidance of a life-changing trainer/coach and a group of the most fantastic accountability partners anywhere.
The next 6 week program starts January 14th. Get all the details here:
Monthly In Studio Classes
Slip in for a beautiful yogic experience at the studio.
Pre-registration required. Space is limited.
HeartWork Online Membership
Every Monday morning live, online yoga at 6:30am + hundreds of pre-recorded classes
This online membership also includes access to our library of over 200 pre-recorded classes to do anytime. Includes yoga, barre, meditation, and nutrition classes. All this for $12 per month. Cancel anytime.
Workshops + Events
Feng Shui + Home Styling
Your home reflects how your
whole life feels.
1:1 Holistic Life Coaching with Amy
Your dream life.
Let’s get that created.