My busy and full life.

My life has been both completely messy- and totally beautiful.

Like so many folks out there, my life is busy. And full. And full of joy. It also has had intense challenges.

The stories behind the links dive deeper.

I was raised in a small rural town in the midwest. And have lived within 45 miles of my home my whole life.

I live in the cold. But love it hot.

I got married young. Was married for 22 years.

We raised 4 kids. And  parented 84 foster children.

I’ve started businesses. And grown them to be regional hubs.

I’ve run 6 marathons and completed triathlons after being told I’d never be able to be active again.

Taught over 12,000 hours of yoga. And helped over 1,100 people revamp their life.

I’ve watched loved ones fight epic battles to recover from accidents. Celebrated amazing feats.  And cried while feeling the greatest sense of deep pride.

I gave the best of myself to everyone else for 20 years and lost myself in the process.  And then found myself again.

I complained about growing older. Until one moment changed my mind forever.

I found my purpose. Questioned it. Then committed to it fully.

I tend to live too fast. But doing yoga helps me stay  in the moment.

Life is amazing. Even the messy parts. If we knew what it would be like, I’m afraid we might not be vulnerable enough to do it. But, when we learn to simply show up, amazing and indescribable things happen.

My life, I’d assume much like yours, has been anything but tidy. But, through a process of never-ending inquiry and mindset shifts, it has been an absolutely amazing life.


We all have good intentions.


What you possess, posesses you.